The team of 5 young people (including me) has been preparing for serving in Japan. We are practicing songs to sing for special music at church, practicing running games with the kids at church on Wednesday nights, preparing Bible lessons, doing fundraisers, praying, and learning to work as a team!
I have been so blessed by the donations of friends and family! Thank you for your prayers, oh, how I need them!
I am clinging to these verses as I scramble around, preparing for my trip:
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
It is so easy for me to trust in myself, and depend on my own wisdom, skill, experience, ideas, and knowledge, but God wants me to simply put my trust (yes, all of it!) in the Lord. Trust is such a difficult concept to put into action, because it usually requires a letting go of something that makes me feel secure, such as my own intellect. As I prepare for this trip, my goal is to learn to trust God by letting go of my expectations and ideas of "how things should be," replacing that with a firm, whole-hearted belief that God is able to do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,"(Eph. 3:20). Can I trust the God who created the entire world, set it in motion, and gives me each breath I breathe? Oh Yes, whole-heartedly, by His Grace!
Christ's Servant,
Jordan :)
"My prayer today is that others would see
More of Christ and less of me..." ~Jo