Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Favorite Day of the Week... Sunday!

Saturday is my blogging day, but yesterday, the juices just weren't flowing! But today, I made a little video blog about our Sundays! I love Sundays! I love them because I get to interact with the Japanese people who come to the services, and fellowship with other Christians, and play hymns, and learn about how to become more like Christ and less like... me! :) If you don't understand what I mean by becoming less like me, let me explain. The Bible teaches that each person that is born into the world is naturally sinful. If you don't believe that, just think about little children. You don't have to teach them to lie, or be disobedient, or selfish... it's just natural! That is because every person lives in what God calls, "the flesh." God knows we are naturally sinful, in stark contrast to Himself, completely perfect. Since He is perfect, He cannot be in fellowship with sin, it is just against His Nature. This is why every person is not "automatically" on their way to heaven when they die, because God, who lives in heaven, cannot just allow us sinful beings to enter His glorious Kingdom.
This would be a devastating realization for the entire human race if this was where the story ended, but it isn't! God, who is eternally merciful and good, made a way, for every single person to be able to enter heaven when they die. Just as Adam and Eve were naked, exposed, and in need of a covering after they disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so, we are exposed to God in our sinful "natural" state. And just as God shed the blood of an animal to provide a covering (clothes) for them, God allowed the blood of His only, dear Son, Jesus Christ, to be spilled to provide a perfect covering for MY sins, and yours, and the sins of the entire human race!

This is not a threat or an accusation against you, it's just simple facts. Think about it for a minute, ask yourself if you have ever lied? If the answer is yes, than you must admit that you are a lier. Furthermore, ask yourself if you have ever stolen? Even if it wasn't a car, perhaps it was still something small, videos or music off the internet, that is still stealing! So then, you are also a thief! What about lust? The Bible says that even if you just look on a women with lust in your heart, it is like you have committed adultery! So then, you are a lying, thieving, adulterer! Phew! Those are some hefty charges if you were sitting in a court of law these days! But you know what... I've got great news for you! Someone has already offered to pay your time in court! All you have to do is accept His offer! You have already realized you are guilty, you recognize you need help, and you can be forgiven and freed from that guilt if you will just accept the free gift being offered to you! Jesus Christ died in YOUR place! In MINE! I should have been the one on the cross that day long ago on Golgatha! It was MY debt that HE paid! The thorns should have been pressed into MY head, and I should have been beaten and abused! The nails should have pierced MY hands and feet, and MY blood should have gushed out! 


He loved me so much, that He gave HIS LIFE for mine...

He gave His life for YOU

Christ was truly perfect and righteous, and therefore, HE was the one that had to die so that I could live, live in heaven, because, I simply believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and I was saved! Now, when God looks down from heaven, He doesn't see little ole' Jordan, He sees Christ's righteousness, because I accepted the covering that Jesus so freely offered!


What are you waiting for? What is holding you back from giving your life to Christ, when He gave HIS life for you?

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 
Romans 6:23

1 comment:

  1. awwwww man I don't have time to watch all of this video, but I will soon! It's so sweet to hear your voice again!! :)
