Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 1!

Well, I made it through my first week of nannying the twins! Actually, the boys are great, and we settled into a little routine! I'm so thankful for all the "training" I had with my niece! It certainly prepared me for all the dirty diapers, spit up messes, bottle making, soothing sessions, and other things I've been occupied with this past week!

I'm settling in and adjusting to life in King Salmon, Alaska as well! It really isn't much colder than back home! Though I heard that last year, the weather was much colder! They also don't get very much snow here. Or at least it doesn't stay for too long. We have had two small snow falls thus far, and we are hoping for more! Enough to go cross country skiing would be wonderful!

I've been reading, cooking, stamping, cleaning up, meeting people, going to church, taking walks, and soaking everything in here! I have two online courses starting on the 18th so I'll have to balance my school with watching the boys are other things!

Community is a big part of life here for most people. Though we are by no means "suffering," life here can be unusual and difficult, and I think the fact that we are all here and know what it is like kind of knits us all together. I wouldn't say I'm exactly "knit in" yet, I'm just beginning to observe this little phenomenon.

I think since I was homeschooled and didn't do too many things in my community, I missed out a bit on that community bond. I feel like I hardly know anyone in my town back home. I'd like to be more involved in my community and know people more, especially since I have a special gift to give to each person I meet. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the gift of eternal life if they will but believe it and accept it!

Since pictures are worth thousands of words, listen to this little account of things I've been doing and seeing:

Dakota, good ole' boy!

Trail in the "woods." Cloudy days are common.

It is common to wear creepers everywhere here in Alaska... very icy!

I enhanced this photo a bit... this is what we wish it looked like... but its often very cloudy! Some days the clouds do lift and the blue sky and distant mountains and hills are visible!

The good and faithful "puppies!" (They aren't puppies really!)

Out for a walk! These boys love the outdoors already! They fall right asleep in the stroller! 
Handsome boys!! Twins, but so different! It's amazing to see their unique personalities! 
Quite a nice day on "the highway!"

The Alaska Peninsula Highway! From Naknek to King Salmon... its about 15 miles! Its hard to get lost here... there are only two directions!
THE Grocery store!

The cannery at the end of Rogers Road (up the beach from Naknek)

Small house next to the cannery. That's the Bering Sea in the background!

Once again, cannery buildings, Bering Sea!

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